Who is M.A.D.?

M.A.D. is a non-profit organization formed in response to the proposed residential development on the Millcroft golf course. Our mission is to preserve the integrity of the existing Millcroft golf course and retain its original and current zoning of “Zone 01 – Open Space.”

How can I help?

Now that the hearing before the Ontario Land Tribunal is scheduled for March 5, 2024, our focus is on raising the funds to pay the fees of the professionals that will represent Millcroft Against Bad Development at these hearings. PLEASE DONATE.

Why is it necessary for citizen groups such as Millcroft Against Bad Development to be involved in the Ontario Land Tribunal hearings when the City of Burlington, Region of Halton and Conservation Halton will all be opposing the application with significantly more financial resources available to them?

It is critical that MAD be a participant at the Ontario Land Tribunal so as to: (i) voice our strong opposition to this application on behalf of the over 6,000 supporters we have; (ii) support the City of Burlington, Conservation Halton and the Halton Region in their opposition of the application; (iii) continue to work with the City and Province on this; (iv) should there be any negotiated settlement then by being a participant at the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing, MAD would be required to be involved in these settlement discussions.

How much money has Millcroft Against Bad Development raised and how have these monies been spent?

Millcroft Against Bad Development is a registered non-profit corporation and consequently is required to file financial statements and income tax returns each year. From the financial statements that have been filed from inception as well as the financial activity from our last tax filing (April 28, 2024) to December 31, 2024, this is the key financial information:

  • Donations net of signs/buttons/calendar cost - $132,067

  • Legal - $57,936

  • Planning expert cost - $50,379

  • Ontario Wet petition printing/distribution - $4,474

  • Communication/website/social media costs - $8,326

  • Events cost - $1,664

  • Bank service charges - $705

  • Total expenses -$123,484

  • Surplus, cash in bank - $8,583

Explanatory notes:

Cost of calendars/signs and buttons were $25,155. In respect of calendar sales they were in excess of $20,000 including calendar sponsors. In 2020, lawn signs and buttons were provided to the residents, many of whom made a donation to MAD. Donations in the three months when signs/buttons were being distributed was $23,000.

Effie Triantafilopoulos (local MPP) recommended that we do a Wet petition which she would bring to the Ontario legislature to increase awareness at the Provincial government. The $4,474 was spent on printing the letter and petition that was distributed to all of the households in Ontario. Effie has taken over 3,400 petitions to the Ontario legislature.