PC Candidate Effie Triantafilopoulos
PC Candidate Effie Triantafilopoulos’s Committment To Saving Millcroft Green Space

Green Party Candidate Ali Hosny
Green Party Candidate Ali Hosny’s Response To Questionaire

Liberal Party Candidate Kaniz Mouli
Liberal Party Candidate Response to Saving Millcroft Green Space

NDP Candidate Caleb Smolenaars
NDP Candidate Caleb Smolenaars Committment To Saving Millcroft Green Space

Millcroft residents urge pressure on provincial candidates to preserve golf club
Millcroft residents urge pressure on provincial candidates

Behind the curtain of MZOs: Emails show internal concerns raised about the process
Behind The Curtain Of MZO's
March 2023 Global News

Help MAD Reach 15,000 Signatures
Over 13,600 Signatures In Support Of Preserving Green Space

MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos Stands With Council And MAD
MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos Supports MAD And City