Flooding On Rosemead Court!
Flooding on Rosemead Court August 2020. Rosemead is not considered high risk for flooding on the Conservation Halton Flood Plain Mapping. Rosemead will be directly affected by the 30 new homes proposed to be built by Salotto homes.
Conservation Halton and Wood Enviromental need to be updated with all flooding that occurs within Millcroft. Please continue to send in your photos and stories to admin@millcroftagainstdevelopment.ca.
Conservation Halton
905.336.1158 ext. 2311 | mhowatt@hrca.on.ca
Matt Senior Wood, Enviroment & Infrastructure
9053352353 ext 3080
We ask that you cc the admin team at
admin@millcroftagainstdevelopment.ca so that we can send any relevant information to our Planner Allan Ramsay.