Burlington Post Article October 12, 2023

On December 2022, Burlington city council unanimously declared opposition to the proposed residential development of the Millcroft Golf Club, particularly Areas A, B, C, and D in its plan, and support in principle for the proposed residential development of Area E of the golf course.

Unlike the other areas, Area E does not impact green space.

At our Sept. 26 council meeting, I worked with Coun. Angelo Bentivegna and  Coun. Shawna Stolte on a resolution seeking the province to declare a provincial interest in Millcroft Greens.

We will be bringing a similar resolution to Halton regional council.

The resolution at Burlington council was unanimously approved and a true collaborative team effort by council and city staff.

The public can read a copy of the full resolution on MarianneMeedWard.ca.


The community’s efforts in ensuring this beloved piece of green space is protected have been unprecedented. They have also undertaken collecting petitions in support of council’s resolution.

We want to thank all those who shared their feedback throughout this process. Thank you for talking to us about all we could potentially lose at this space. We have also seen the importance of green space amplified during the recent global pandemic.


Mayor Confident Case Is Strong


MAD Petition In Support Of Resolution Will Be Presented