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Confidential legal update on a litigation matter re Millcroft Greens,

2155 Country Club Dr. and 4274 Dundas St. (L-49-22)
The committee provided instructions to legal department staff in closed session for this item.
Moved by: Councillor Bentivegna
Seconded by: Councillor Nisan
That Council waive privilege with respect to the following portions of the in-camera resolution passed at Committee and that solicitor-client privilege be maintained in all other respects over the balance of L-49-22:
Direct the ED of Legal Services & CC, or her designate to advise counsel for Millcroft Greens that the City is opposed to the proposed applications, save and except for Area E which Council supports in principle, and to finalize an Issues List supporting that opposition;
Authorize the ED of LS & CC, or her designate, to attend at the Ontario Land Tribunal to represent the City’s interests and position on the appeal of the Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law
Amendment and Plan of Subdivision by Millcroft Greens Corporation; and Direct the Mayor to work with the Ward Councillor and Deputy Mayor for Housing to bring a resolution to Burlington City Council and Regional Council seeking the province declare a provincial interest in Millcroft Greens.


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