It Is National Forest Week!

Let’s consider the value of trees within Millcroft: they bring natural elements and wildlife habitat into our urban settings and create a peaceful environment! Trees frame landscapes and create beautiful backgrounds. They screen unsightly views , act as sound barriers and provide privacy.

The benefits of trees to the environment, human health and our social well-being are well known. In our day-to-day lives however, these important benefits can be forgotten. We encourage Canadians to remember their love for trees and the beautiful memories they’ve helped create. Whether that’s from a favourite tree that served as a childhood castle, a strong tree for hanging a swing, or a tree that provides shade and comfort for a gathering with friends – it’s easy to connect with the magic of trees when we take a moment to reflect.

82% of Canadians live in urban communities and urban green spaces are an important part of what makes our cities liveable. Tree Canada believes firmly that the social, psychological, and economic benefits of Canada’s urban forests are worth preserving, they’ve dedicated to championing, stewarding and expanding our urban forests for more than a quarter century.

More about how we’re greening communities →


News from Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna


4375 Millcroft Park Virtual Pre-Application Public Meeting