OLT Case Management March 7 at 10am


The next OLT Case Management Conference ("CMC") is scheduled for March 7 at 10:00 AM. The primary objective of this hearing is to obtain a list of key issues from the Parties and their experts to allow OLT to  assess the complexity of the case. The CMC will also determine the expected duration of the proceedings. Our professional advisors believe that it will likely be two to three weeks in duration and be heard at the end of 2023 or early 2024.

Millcroft Against Bad Development (“MAD”) and its professional advisors have been busy preparing for this meeting.

At the first case management conference in November, MAD was provided party status. Because the City had not previously issued a formal decision on the application until very recently, the March 7 CMC was scheduled in anticipation of the City's decision and its rationale for the same.

The GREAT news is that the Burlington City Council unanimously rejected the portion of the application proposing development on the golf course; the City did, however, approve the proposed condominium along Dundas in principle. Consequently, the City will participate in the CMC, bringing forward a list of their issues, as well their experts to testify at the hearing. While the decision of Council has been made public, the remainder of the council meeting, as well the material provided by City staff and other experts, were all "in camera" and therefore not publicly available (which is the City’s policy whenever a matter is before OLT).

MAD has developed its issues list to present at the CMC, based upon our professional advisors' guidance (legal counsel Weir Foulds, planner Allan Ramsey and a stormwater expert). MAD will engage experts in Planning, Stormwater, Natural Heritage, and Traffic. MAD will also receive the other parties' issues lists and proposed experts. 

With the information obtained from the CMC, MAD will be well positioned to work with its professional advisors to develop a realistic budget for defending our position. We will launch our fundraising strategy after the CMC.

Friendly reminder for all residents who would like to watch the OLT case management conference. Participants and those who simply wish to observe are directed to observe this proceeding through the OLT’s YouTube channel:



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