OLT To Hear Appeal In 2024
Burlington Today News Article Tania Theriault
An appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal over a proposed residential development at a north Burlington golf course will not be heard by the tribunal until next year.
The appeal was launched in 2022 by Millcroft Greens Corporation, which is seeking to build 90 detached homes and a six-storey apartment building on five parcels of land around the existing Millcroft Golf Club, which would be redeveloped.
The developer took the City of Burlington to the OLT after the city failed to process the application for the project within the statutory time frame.
But Burlington council has since come out as a formally opposed to the project, citing its impact on green space and flood plains.
The proposed development has also faced heavy opposition from the community, with 5,500 residents signing a petition against it and the formation of community groups such as Millcroft Against Bad Development (MAD).
At an OLT case management hearing this morning (March 7) lawyers for the City of Burlington, Halton Regional Council, the developer, Conservation Halton and representatives from MAD and Millcroft Greenspace Alliance gave outlines to OLT Vice-Chair Sharyn Vincent of their respective issues and the number of experts expected to speak at the eventual hearing.
As a result of these discussions, a hearing date of March 5-29, 2024 was set for the appeal.
Council has approved one parcel of land, on Dundas Street, for the apartment building development, the parcel currently housing a parking lot and a golf shed, but opposes the remainder of the plan.