OLT Virtual Session On November 7th
The First Case Management session for the Ontario Land Tribunal is set for Monday, November 7, 2022. The purpose of this session is to establish the Parties and Participants for the Hearing which we expect will take place in 2023 as well the high level issues each have.
We encourage everyone to go onto the Virtual session. It will take place on Monday, November 7th starting at 10:00 AM.
If you have completed the required forms and are seeking to be a Party or Participant to the matter then the steps for this are:
Anytime in advance of the meeting, download GoToMeeting or a web application is available at https://app.gotomeeting.com/home.html
On the day of the meeting, log into https://meet.goto.com/656004293 . The Access code is 656-004-293. You are asked to log in by 9:50 AM (ie. Ten minutes prior)
If you did not apply to be a Party or Participant then you can watch the proceedings on the Tribunal’s You Tube channel at https://youtube.com/channel/UCxDAcq6BD8wg0UfSV-yGVRA
We are hoping that as many people as are possible will attend or watch this session to demonstrate support for MAD and rejection of this application.