Ward 6 News with Councillor Angelo Bentivegna

2155 Millcroft Green Application Resubmission

Dear Resident,

Just before my April Newsletter went out I was notified by Millcroft Greens that they had made an application resubmission to the City planning department. Details were not available until Planning staff had a chance to review the resubmission. The resubmission documents have now been posted on the City’s project webpage at Millcroft Greens, 2155 Country Club Dr.

It is typical for there to be at least one set of revisions or more, as City staff continue to review and assess a proposal.

When the subject applications were originally submitted to the City, the applications were circulated to internal departments, external agencies and the public for review and comment. All stakeholders are asked to share comments and identify if any additional information may be required from the applicants. In addition, these applications were brought to the City’s Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee (CPRM) for a Statutory Public Meeting on March 2, 2021 to solicit feedback from the public and Committee members.

Following the statutory public meeting and receipt of comments, the applicants have endeavoured to make refinements to their development applications to respond to the public and technical comments. In addition, planning staff met with the applicants to discuss technical issues and comments received. The applicants have submitted a revised proposal in an effort to address the concerns and technical issues identified. This is where we are currently at in the process and we will continue to review and assess the revised submission.

The planner will continue to listen to and assess every comment and land use impact through changes to the plans and/or discussion in the final report and recommendations to Council. The City planner will eventually prepare a recommendation report which contains an independent, professional opinion about whether to approve, modify or refuse the development applications. At this point, timing for a future recommendation report is unclear as we continue to review and assess the revised submission.

Revised Development Proposal – April 2022

The applicant has submitted a revised submission with the following changes:

Parcels A-D

  • Proposed lots have decreased from 98 lots to 90 lots

  • The 6.0 meter landscape buffer has been incorporated into the lot design instead of being part of a common element block.

Parcel A – (near Hadfield Court)

  • 29 single detached dwellings

  • Proposed rear yards within Area A now back onto the existing rear yards of those homes on Hadfield Court with the internal condominium road shifted southerly.

Parcel B – (between Hadfield Court & Parklane Crescent)

  • 40 single detached dwellings

  • Changes to the lotting pattern around the cul-de-sac and lot line adjustments

Parcel C – (near Berwick Drive & Country Club Drive)

  • 14 single detached dwellings

  • Inclusion of a parkette fronting onto Country Club Drive

  • Inclusion of a 7 meter setback from the TransCanada Pipeline easement resulting in a shorter roadway and relocation of the cul-de-sac to the south

Parcel D – (near Chasewood Court)

  • 7 single detached dwellings (no change)

  • Inclusion of a 7 meter setback from the TransCanada Pipeline easement

Parcel E – (on Dundas Street)

  • 6-storey residential apartment building

  • Increased amenity area to 25 m2 per unit and provided additional rooftop outdoor amenity area on the 6th floor

  • Revised exterior façade design along Dundas Street

  • Included a 6 meter drainage easement on the west property line

  • Reconfigured drop-off, surface parking design and layout

  • Modified underground parking footprint and increased setbacks along the Dundas Street frontage

  • Dropped slab of underground parking garage to allow for increase in soil depth for tree plantings and soft landscape treatment

  • Provided pedestrian connection on the east side of the site with connection to existing and proposed trails

  • Increased height of wind/sound barrier fences at outdoor amenity

  • Included provisions for townhouse dwellings.


Keeping Millcroft Residents Informed!


Ward 4,5,6 Community Virtual Meeting:1860-1900 Appleby Line Proposed Development