Will All Millcroft Homeowners Need A Sump Pump?
Will all Millcroft residents need to purchase a sump pump? One homeowner on Latimer had to purchase two and with battery powered back up!
Please send in your flood stories, photos, videos and insurance concerns/issues to the admin team at admin@millcroftagainstdevelopment.ca
and directly to Matt at
and Matt at
matt.senior@woodplc.cpmHalton Region Subsidies and Grants
Halton Region offers a one-time basement flood prevention subsidy to assist Halton residents who have a history of basement floods caused by a backup or surcharge of the sanitary sewer system. The subsidy is also available to residents who have not experienced flooding, but would like to correct improper storm water connections and install a backwater valve.
Residents with basement floods due to a sanitary sewer back-up may also qualify for financial assistance ($1,000) from Halton Region. For more information, call 311 or visit www.halton.ca.
Flooding caused by overland flow (storm water) should be directed to the City of Burlington.