Help MAD Reach 20,000 Signatures

Help MAD reach 20,000 signatures! Mayor Marianne Meed Ward requested that the Ontario Conservatives do a Minister's Zoning Order ("MZO") to stop the development on the Millcroft golf course and preserve badly needed greenspace in Burlington. Members of the MAD executive met with Premier Doug Ford who promised to get back to them and seemed supportive of stopping the development. While it has been many months MAD hasn’t received a response. With the pending election in Ontario, we would like all of our supporters to help make the development in Millcroft a major provincial election issue.

Here is how you can help

Email the Conservative representatives with our revised letter letting them know this is a major election issue. Candidates will be going door to door. Use this opportunity to ask the candidate their position on the Millcroft Development as well as the future of the Ontario Land Tribunal.  Our view is that the OLT should be disbanded as in the vast majority of the cases it sides with the developer versus the elected City Councils who are making reasonable and sensible decisions on development cases. If the candidate is supportive of stopping the development or disbanding the OLT, how will they persuade their party to do this (a number of Burlington MPP's were against the development however have been unable to influence their party to do this).


PC Candidate Effie Triantafilopoulos


Green Party Candidate Ali Hosny