Millcroft resident Tony Lo Presti’s article.
Millcroft and Glen Abbey residents push back against redevelopment plans!

Unflood Ontario
Did you know that the City of Burlington is part of the UnfloodOntario network?

See Millcroft Fully Developed
We’ve worked with a designer to imagine how Millcroft would look if fully developed.

Effie rose in Legislature to speak on the importance of the Millcroft community.
Effie’s speech in the Legislature in support of preserving our green spaces.

Hole #1 Today & After
Green space is a term that refers to a wide variety of natural and landscaped areas both publicly and privately owned.

Ward 6 Councillor’s Statement
Our Ward 6 Councillor, Angelo Bentivegna, released a statement addressing concerns about the Branthaven Taywood development.